Designed by Microsoft, Microsoft Office Word is a word processor. It belongs to the group of Microsoft Office suite. One of the best and most commonly used word processors in the market currently, Microsoft Word is used for many types of compositions right from business letters to memos and brochures. It is used by people from all walks of life, students used it for their homework and assignments, corporate workers use it to draft deals while writers use it to draft their manuscripts. MS word is popular because of the variety of features it houses and people are using the word to edit their contents after which they are converting their docx to pdf and sharing it with other people or even uploading it on the internet.
Features of the MS word
Effectively checks and suggest corrections to improve spelling and grammar
One of the main benefits of using word documents for editing or even drafting content is that it constantly runs a spelling and grammar checker on your text to make sure it is grammatically correct. There are even suggestions here and there to make sure the text is understandable easily. Complicated and difficult phrases receive recommendations to change them into easier and easily comprehensible phrases.
Option to add header, footer, and even page number
Word document has the header, footer, and page number features which make sure your text is organized and meets the standard professionalism. Microsoft word even allows you to divide your text into small paragraphs to make it look neat and so that readers don’t find it difficult to find the parts of the texts that cater to their requirements.
Secure your word document with a password
Microsoft word even provides you with the option to password-protect your document. All you have to do is encrypt the document and set a password.
Why people convert docx to pdf?
One of the main reasons why people convert their word document to PDF file is to make it look more professional and top-notch. The PDF file has the power to maintain the graphical integrity of all the pictures, tables, and other graphical diagrams used in the text. It looks the same throughout irrespective of the device it is opened it, thus one can PDF files are highly compatible.
PDF files are multi-dimensional i.e. you can turn any type of content into PDF right from images to 3-D models. They are convenient to read and share with people and are extremely secure.
Why use docx to pdf converter?
To make sure you save time while converting your word document to pdf file, you can use PDFSimpli’s application that lets you convert docx to pdf for free. The conversion speed is much higher compared to other websites providing similar services. The application is created to serve everybody irrespective of their age or experience. The interface is user-friendly and extremely simple. If you don’t believe us then you can try to see it for yourself.